Thursday, December 31, 2009

A new year, new hopes

Whew, this year has been exhausting. Much has happened to make me a very different person than I was 1 year ago. I am wiser and stronger for it, but as with all change it does not come easily. My hopes for the next year are complex and deeply personal, though I do not hope for it to be easy ...that would be asking too much. I will continue to grow and to change and learn as I need to and as the universe sees fit. Tomorrow I plan to begin the new year with a drastic personal hair. I have always had long, curly, dark auburn hair and have always had great fears when getting it cut. I am facing that fear and getting, for me a drastic cut. Much hair will be lost, but I have thought long and hard on the decision and it is the first stepping stone for me in what should be concious change and growth during 2010. This blog is a part, but more of a personal documentation of that growth. I will post before and after shots when I am brave enough to do so.

Good luck, good cheer, and much happiness to all in 2010!

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