Thursday, December 31, 2009

A new year, new hopes

Whew, this year has been exhausting. Much has happened to make me a very different person than I was 1 year ago. I am wiser and stronger for it, but as with all change it does not come easily. My hopes for the next year are complex and deeply personal, though I do not hope for it to be easy ...that would be asking too much. I will continue to grow and to change and learn as I need to and as the universe sees fit. Tomorrow I plan to begin the new year with a drastic personal hair. I have always had long, curly, dark auburn hair and have always had great fears when getting it cut. I am facing that fear and getting, for me a drastic cut. Much hair will be lost, but I have thought long and hard on the decision and it is the first stepping stone for me in what should be concious change and growth during 2010. This blog is a part, but more of a personal documentation of that growth. I will post before and after shots when I am brave enough to do so.

Good luck, good cheer, and much happiness to all in 2010!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beauty thy name is wool

I washed up my recent holiday gifts and the softness of freshly washed wool is amazing!

My handspun, turned mittens for my youngest is the softest in a lightly spun 2-ply merino. Only the softest for my little guy.

My mothers socks came out buttery soft.

The fingerless gloves I made for a good friend was the biggest surprise and softened up quite a bit. The yarn was fairly rough, but will be warm and comfy now.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finishing feels good

I have just wrapped up my second batch of mitts today. The first set was a pair of handspun (by me) mittens for my little monkey as a present. The second was a pair of blue wool lace fingerless gloves for a pal at work. We worked out a little exchange. She's a wonderful beader and made a stunning necklace for one of my girlfriend's wedding this past summer. I promised to make her a bright and cheery pair of fingerless gloves. She's tried on the first for fit (heehee like a glove!) and I will be washing and blocking them out this weekend for presentation to her at work on Monday.

Other gifts I have finished up already for this holiday season are a Jayne (Firefly) hat for my teenager, a pair of cushy wool socks for my mum, and a fuzzy kitty hat for a good friend. As soon as I get the hang of this I will start adding photos.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3-2-1 Lift Off


Geez the smoke from the power boosters is stronger than I thought. Whew, well I know when this goes live there won't be anyone out there to see this, but someday there will be. This blog is going to be my outlet on my family, knitting, friends, crafting, gardening, my general geekiness and anything else I randomly come up with. If I happen to make it that far perhaps a podcast of my own, but I don't want to scare the kiddies just yet. So strap on your rocket pack and hold on tight!